Well the Ft Worth Stock Show Jr Heifer Show is in the history books. May I say the weather cooperated and the friends gathered. Each exhibitor is allowed to bring only one heifer. That always seems like plenty for our families to get started with the majors (meaning the major stock shows....just for you non-Texans). Our show week began about 10 days prior however. Donnell flew to Denver to judge the National Western Simmental Pen Show with good friend, Ryan Rathmann. He left Denver and headed to Orlando, FL to speak at a Red Angus / Simmental cattlemens conference. Then it was back to Ft Worth to meet up with the Throckmorton County team and check in the heifers.
As you might imagine, getting the heifers prepared and used to their surroundings takes a little time. A couple of days and they finally adjust to their clean beds and the city water. The boys and I weren't able to travel until after all of the basketball games were complete......so we waited for the "W" and hit the road.
All in all ~ a fun time had by all along with some ribbons and great memories again.
Tucker and "Ollie" ended up winning the March 2009 class and then Reserve Division.
Lanham and "Gracie's Pride" were 2nd in Class behind the Division Champion.
As you powers reckon, getting the heifers rehearsed and consumed towards their environment robs a little time. A pair of days and they finally tweak towards their shower beds and the city water. Ranches in Texas This place is good a horse.